A Gift in Your Will

Making a bequest to The Beacon in your Will is one of the greatest and most meaningful ways to leave a lasting testimony of your affection for the school, whilst impacting the lives of future Beacon boys.

The uncertainty of potential costs for you and your loved ones can make it difficult to offer a significant gift during your lifetime, however, the gift of a bequest offers flexibility and choice in how your legacy lives on.

There are four main types of legacy, which your solicitor can advise on which would be the best for you. Your legacy could be:

  • Pecuniary Legacy – a specific amount of money.
  • Specific Legacy – leaving a specific item such as property, stocks and shares.
  • Residuary Legacy – a fixed sum or a percentage of your residual estate.
  • Reversionary Legacy – which passes to The Beacon after the death of any dependents.

A gift in your Will could help The Beacon in many ways; by funding transformational bursaries for talented boys, contributing towards the creation of state-of-the-art facilities and resources, or as an unrestricted bequest, with even the smallest pledge making an enormous difference. If you have a particular area of interest, we would be delighted to discuss it with you.

In addition to offering the gift of education, there are tax benefits to leaving a legacy gift to a registered charity such as The Beacon (309911), with the advantage of reducing the tax burden on your family while maximising the benefit of the gift to the School.

All bequests to The Beacon are exempt from Inheritance Tax and legacies of 10% or more of your estate also reduce your tax liability on your whole estate from 40% to 36%. More detailed information is available from the HMRC website.

Keeping The Beacon Informed

If you have chosen to leave a gift to The Beacon in your Will, thank you. It would be wonderful if you were able to let The Beacon know of your plans, as this ensures that we are able to thank you in person and keep you informed about the impact that your gift can make, as well as keep you up to date with developments at the school. If you are comfortable doing so, please complete our Legacy Form below. This is not a binding commitment, but simply a statement of your present intentions and will be used to help us in our long-term planning. Your response and any subsequent correspondence or discussion will be treated in the strictest confidence.

To discuss legacies in more detail or to find out about our current projects, please contact our Head of Development Charlotte Buswell on 01494 736167 or at [email protected].

Attend Our Open Day
Friday 9th May 2025 09:00-11:00