Bakers Beacon Blog Week 15 2025

Dear Parents,

Pressure to finish the Lego Space jigsaw was on this week after brothers Alexander and Aris sent me a picture of their completed ‘Animals of the World’ puzzle.  I had to resort to separating each shape of piece, and trial and error when placing, but as of last night at 9:42pm it is complete – what a relief…2025 can now officially start and I can get on with the rest of my life.  Fun and games of a different kind in a few weeks with the BPS Quiz on February 7.  Mr Langley and I were delighted and humbled to learn that this event sold out in four minutes – Oasis and Taylor Swift have nothing on the BPS when it comes to selling tickets for events it seems.  As with last year, we get the boys involved and it’s debatable who enjoys the Quiz more, the boys when taking part in the questions or their parents when answering them.  We will also be able to see if there is a new ***Beacon World Record*** set for paper aeroplane distance, currently held by Mr O Valota (ITA)…some homework for mums and dads in the coming weeks I feel…

Out for dinner to celebrate Patrick’s 19th birthday (where did those 19 years go?) on Wednesday in advance of dropping him back at University this weekend.  I continue to shake my head in disbelief at what constitutes a present for a boy in his late teens these days.  ‘Money’, ‘new trousers’ and a ‘2TB external hard drive’ is what he wanted and so, as unimaginative as that is, that’s what he received.  He also, rather more creatively, asked for some ‘fun stuff’ to go in his room at University.  Most of the knick knacks and quirky decorative Baker family items can, of course, be found in my office at The Beacon, and I was rather touched that he wanted an inanimate object to take with him that reminded him of home.  Knowing his love of Formula 1, I sourced a ceramic ‘rubber duck’ adorned in Red Bull colours.  What arrived was said duck but in the livery of Ferrari (pictured below in the middle of the completed jigsaw) but he appreciated the thought, deemed it suitable for his room and it is duly packed away with a big bag of citrus and tray of Pot Noodle for the return to Birmingham on Sunday.  The crazy, carefree world of a student in 2025 Britain…

Have a good weekend,

Nick Baker

Attend Our Open Day
Friday 9th May 2025 09:00-11:00