student cheering


Giving Back on World Book Day

28 February 2020

This year on World Book Day (Thursday 5 March) we have two worthwhile book-based charities in Africa to ask you to consider supporting.  The first…

Jerusalem Artichoke is a Big Hit in Reception

28 February 2020

Our Taste Buddies at break time have been a huge success, however we wanted to change the focus for our younger years to be more…

We’re in the Press!

27 February 2020

We were delighted this week to see that a wonderful feature written on The Power of Storytelling by our Head of Pre-Prep, Ryan Steward, had…

Pancake Day

25 February 2020

The Beacon had a fantastic Pancake Day today! All our boys enjoyed delicious pancakes with an array of toppings at lunch, including lemon, passion fruit or…

Our Tremendous Trees

14 February 2020

On Friday 14 February, all boys and staff dressed in tree colours to fundraise for our Beacon tree planting initiative. This will form part of…

Lower School Tea and Music

10 February 2020

Last Friday afternoon, an impressive array of Year 3 and 4 musicians performed at the Tea and Music concert in the Old Barn. Roughly 35…

Year 3 Ancient Egyptian Day

7 February 2020

Our Year 3 boys enjoyed an exciting Ancient Egyptian day today! In the morning, the boys were totally engaged in an Ancient Egyptian theatre show…

Our Peer Mentors Spending Valuable Time in Lower School

27 January 2020

The Beacon is delighted that our recently introduced Peer Mentoring scheme, where our Upper School boys provide advice and guidance to those younger than them,…

Lucy Hawking Author Visit – Out of this World

24 January 2020

It was a real privilege to welcome Lucy Hawking to The Beacon for an evening event this week which was open to the community courtesy…

2 boys together
Open Morning – Saturday 28 September 2024

We are warmly welcoming visitors to our Open Morning on Saturday 28 September – click here to book.

For families with boys aged 2-4, we are hosting a Stay & Play session on Wednesday 25 September – click here to book.

View our reviews:

ISI Inspection 2022

Muddy Stilettos & The Good Schools Guide.