
18 November 2021

Over the course of November, The Beacon have been celebrating, raising awareness of and fundraising for the wonderful Charity, Movember.

Movember was founded by two men in Australia who had the simple idea to grow a moustache to raise money for a good cause. Starting with 30 ‘Mo Bros’ in 2003, they now have over 6 million ‘Mo Bros & Sisters’ joining forces to raise money and change lives all over the world.

The Mo Bro’s are taking action to create awareness around men’s mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. All of these awful illnesses are a lot more common than we believe. On average, 3 out of 4 suicides’ in the UK are by men and 1 in 8 UK men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. These are alarming statistics and something a lot of people are unaware of. Click here to find out more about the Movember cause to take on Men’s health globally.

As a boys school, this incredible charity has particularly resonance. We would therefore like to thank our Beacon Community for all your support in raising awareness of and donations for Movember.

Some of our Teachers are currently sporting some interesting looking Mo’s (December isn’t too far away lads!). The charity have also introduced other ways to raise money this year, one of which is to run 60km over the month of November. Our Head of Self & Society, Mr. Privett, is putting an extra special effort in and is running 100km over the course of the month. He has just reached the half-way mark having run 57.5km! With under 50 km left to run, we are extremely proud of the efforts he is putting in.

Unfortunately, most of our boys don’t have the ability to grow a Mo (yet!). We have therefore encouraged them to get creative and make their own ‘Mo Props’ instead. We tasked our boys to design and cut out their own bespoke moustache. Some of our boys have written inspirational words or the name of a male icon they admire onto their moustaches. During the Mo making sessions, their lovely Teachers spoke to them about the importance of the Charity and all the good they do.

Since starting the charity back in 2003, Movember have raised enough money to fund over 1250 projects with 20 different men’s mental health partners in 20 different countries.

Thank you for all your generous donations to this great cause. Our target is £500 and, so far, we have raised an amazing £370! If you haven’t managed to make a donate yet and would like to, please click here.

Take a look at our gallery of images to see the boys impressive Mo’s.

If you are participating in any Movember related activities such as the ‘Mo Grow’, please do send your photos into Marketing ( We would love to include these in our Termly Magazine.