The first aid teacher talks to the class as he speaks about CPR and safety

Keeping Yourself Safe Day

14 September 2021

4 school boys practicing how to perform CPR

Beacon boys from Nursery all the way through to Year 8 experienced a wide range of interesting, fun and engaging talks from a variety of external speakers, giving some helpful advice on different ways to keep safe. We were lucky to have representatives from the NSPCC, Dara Nasr (MD Twitter UK), Allison Watts (Bucks CC), First Aid Workshop from NDA and an online meeting with the Amersham Fire Station, who all gave their expert insight into practical lessons on keeping yourself safe, whether that be on the sports field, playground, out and about, at home and online.

It was a great day had by all!


As part of our Keeping Yourself Safe Day today, we have been helping the boys gain a greater understanding of how to keep themselves safe in all aspects of their lives.

We are delighted to support the NSPCC and the tremendous child protection work the charity does on a daily basis. A huge thank you to everyone who has already donated to our JustGiving page in support of the NSPCC. If you would like to donate, please click here. Our suggested donation amount is £2, but any donation is gratefully received.
James Skea – Senior Master


Keeping yourself safe presentation